01 March: This celebratory Dinner Reception and Concert will take place in the Delegates Dining Room of the United Nations on the evening of March 1st. You will enjoy the combined pleasures of hearing a group of world-class musical performers, meeting the ICCC Pioneer Awardee who has enhanced our world, and meeting and supporting the Society for AgeQuake Student Designers-all this in one evening overlooking the beautiful New York skyline.
In response to requests following ICCC’s most successful “Youth and Older Persons As City Changers…Connecting the Generations” concert, we are delighted to announce that this concert will be larger and, as part of our usual outreach, will present a diverse group of international talent gathered only for this special event, representing a wide range of geographic origins, musical styles, and ages (from 15-70+)!
We are honored that the Society for AgeQuake Student Designer Fellows will be presented with their sponsors, they are the winners of the 2014 competition who have spent the past year giving back to their communities, and we are excited to share them with you. In addition, we are thrilled to present the 2016 ICCC Caring Citizen of the Humanities Award.