Category Archives: 2021

“Age of Hyperconnectivity: Imagining the Possible in Cities…Better Living….Adding Life to Years”

We look forward to your joining us Thursday, 28 October for the virtual session:”Age of Hyperconnectivity: Imagining the Possible in Cities…Better Living….Adding Life to Years” 11:00 am (EST time).  Harnessing Creative Practical Solutions towards “A Better City, Better Life” renowned experts from China, Germany, Kenya, Philippines, Switzerland and the United States look forward to sharing successful endeavors that can enhance a “Society for All Ages.” Attached is a
poster with details for your review.

This session will consider perspectives from a multi-strategic group of international experts addressing the impact of Hyperconnectivity; stimulation of sustainable, climate-resilient societies; and the important involvement and catalytic role of the private and public sectors. Successful innovations include: redevelopment in Suzhou, rehabilitation in rural China, environmental children’s education tool using music-related books, “smart cities” unique for Africa, new life for St Francis convent mountain in Germany, media outreach in rural Philippine cities, and climate solutions in Qatar. Emphasis will be placed on how ICT is a catalyst for engaging diverse populations in addressing complex issues such as social justice, gender empowerment, youth resilience, poverty alleviation, and stimulating innovation.

This session is organized in support of World Cities Day and the 76th
Anniversary of the United Nations.

World Cities Day

Concept Note

Speaker Bios

Session Recording

“Imagining the Future: Ageing in a New Age” In support of the International Day for Older Persons and 76th United Nations Anniversary

Friday, 1 October 2021

“Imagining the Future: Ageing in a New Age” In support of the International Day for Older Persons and 76th United Nations Anniversary

Virtual Session


Statistics show that by the year 2050 there will be approximately 1.5 million persons over the age of 65! – the “AgeQuake

This event will consider the perspectives of a multi-strategic group of international Change-Agents who will present practical solutions towards creating new mindsets for social change and society for all ages and abilities. An emphasis will be placed on how information and communication technology (ICT) is a catalyst for engaging diverse populations in addressing complex issues such as health, social justice, gender empowerment, plus reimagining older persons involvement in dance, museums, and community spaces.

This session is organized in support of the UN Day for Older Persons and the 76th Anniversary of the UN.

Session Video 

Concept Note

Event Agenda

Speakers Biographies

Tuesday 9 Feb. “Re-imagining Well-Being: Digitally Connecting the Dots…Ageing, Music, ICT & the Climate Crisis” 10:00 – 11:15 am

We are delighted to participate in the 59th United Nations Commission for Social Development, on Tuesday, 9 Feb for the virtual session: “Re-imagining Well-being: Digitally Connecting the Dots…Ageing, Music, ICT & the Climate Crisis”. A gathering of international experts from Austria, Australia, Ireland, Russia, Tanzania, and the United States will explore ways that digital technology can enhance a “Society for All Agnes.”

Statistics show that by 2050, there will be 1.5 billion persons over 65 years of age (the “AgeQuake”). How Information-communication Technology will be used to support healthcare during the COVID crisis and as a bridge to eliminate the isolation of seniors, and how music can serve as a catalyst to expand worldviews and point to multilateralism can lead to larger social change in urban settings. This session of non-traditional new global leaders and experts will leverage their insights and wisdom to address four key elements for enhancing “Better Living…Adding Life to Years” by connecting the dots of the inter-linked SDG’s, New Urban Agenda, technology, and smart cities as more “human-oriented cities” …a practical holistic mindset!  They will link in real-time to determine how creative innovations and abilities can be impacted through ICT. The 5th edition of the Music Compendium: Global Resource:Solutions for Cultural, Social, Health, Educational, Environmental and Economic Issues” features 109 projects illustrating the important role music plays in enhancing well-being. These successful projects gathered from over 50 UN Member States are digitally accessed for practical review and communication.

A call-to-action will be proposed at the end of the workshop.

Video Summary

Informational Poster

CSD Concept Note

CSD Agenda

CSD Speaker Bios