Category Archives: 2004

Entry Forms due for 2004 International Student Design Competition launched

Entry Forms due for 2004 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION launched. Competition deadlines:

December 31, 2004: Entry Projects must be received. Jury will meet early January 2005. Awards and finalists’ presentations will take place during the Commission for Social Development, February 2005, at United Nations Headquarters, New York. Exhibitions are planned in Spain, Hungary, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan (May 2005) and other related venues around the world during 2005.

The competition is sponsored by the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) in cooperation with the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements( UN-Habitat), United Nations programme on ageing, Department of Economic and Social Affairs and other partners. The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture endorses the competition. The competition was established in 1995 and winners have been exhibited at United Nations Headquarters in New York and abroad in Santiago, Chile (for the North and South America), Budapest, Hungary (for Central and Eastern Europe), Madrid, Spain, Shanghai, China, Bangkok, Thailand and St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Competition invites architecture students around the world to apply their creative talents in developing solutions, which integrate older persons into the fabric of the community and fully include them in all social, cultural, and productive activities. This Competition is held in conjunction with the “Caring Communities for the 21st Century: Imagining the Possible” International Conference, February 2005, in support of the Commission for Social Development at United Nations Headquarters, NY. This Conference presents and excellent opportunity to develop and publicize design recommendations. Submissions will be Juried January 2005, and awards and winning entries will be exhibited February 2005 at United Nations Headquarters. Other exhibitions will be held in Spain, Hungary, at Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan (May 2005) and other related venues around the world.

A growing number of older persons are living in cities, towns, suburbs, and rural areas around the world. Each month 1.2 million people turn 60 worldwide. A ‘demographic agequake’ is occurring peoples age 60 and older will more than double, from 10 to 22 per cent, between 2000 and 2050, at which time it will be as large as the proportion of children (0-14 years); by 2030 it will reach 1.4 billion people. In some developed countries, the number of older persons will be more than double that of children by 2050! This “Agequake” poses serious design and planning challenges. Yet most communities are not yet prepared for dramatic changes in composition. Therefore, it is time to present municipalities with recommendations, which accommodate and integrate older people as full and productive members of their communities.

The design competition for architecture students was established by ICCC’s cofounder, the late eminent architect-historian Dr. Albert Bush Brown, The adoption of a holistic approach to the impact of the “graying society” was first explored in the book Hospitable Design in Healthcare and Senior Communities, written by Dr. Bush-Brown and Professor Dianne Davis. As a non-profit organization with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). The ICCC responds to the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly aging global population by stimulating and identifying successful strategies and solutions that deal creatively with addressing a society for all generations. ICCC encourages their adaptation and/or replication at grassroots level throughout developing and developed countries through its Competitions, educational programs, international expert conferences, publications, technical support and public/private partnerships are all vehicles for raising awareness, for publicizing innovative projects and for stimulating new thinking on ways to meet the emerging needs of an ageing population..

Mainstreaming ageing issues especially the built environment and the impacts of ICT are the centerpieces of ICCC’s global dialogue. ICCC serves not only as an instigator but also as a bridge joining universities, government agencies, the private sector, NGOs as well as United Nations agencies to promote a Society for all Generations.

Undergraduate and graduate students of architecture are eligible to submit projects. All submission must be the work of an individual student or approved group.

To enter the competition, instructors or individual students are encouraged to send an entry form to the International Council for Caring Communities by October 15, 2004. Entry Projects must be received by December 31, 2004; and Jury will meet early January 2005. Awards and finalists’ presentations will take place during the Commission for Social Development, February 2005, at United Nations Headquarters, New York.

Finalists will be invited to present and exhibit their projects at the February 2005 Caring Communities for the 21st Century: Imagining the Possible” International Conference held during the Commission for Social Development at United Nations Headquarters.
Winners will receive: first prize $10,000, second prize $5,000, and third prize $2,500. At the discretion of the jury there can also be honorable mentions. All submissions will be recognized with a certificate acknowledging a student’s participation.

While some of the needs of older persons are universal, other needs vary by culture, region and community. In order to accommodate the variety in needs and possible planning and design responses, the program for the competition is fairly general. This will allow instructor and students to tailor the competition guidelines to the specific situations they encounter in communities in their respective regions.

The program is aimed at answering the following questions:

  • Is it possible to design successful, diversified and multi-generational communities for older adults within rural, suburban or urban contexts, including potentially even new forms of high-density housing and inclusion of aspects of information and communication technology (ICT)?
  • How are older adults fully integrated, connected to and fully engaged in their communities?

Key issues include:

  • Location: within walking distance of facilities where older persons can contribute
  • Connectivity: physical and possibly electronic connectivity to amenities and services
  • Symbiosis: between talents and interests of older people and needs of society
  • Dignity: preserve the integrity and personal domain despite some reduction in faculties
  • Access: to healthcare, food, educational facilities and neighborhoods from which they came
  • Security: and safety in physical and psychological terms

Project Scope and Guidelines for individual presentations:

  • Identify and analyze an existing neighborhood or district: it may be urban, suburban or rural with approximately 500 older adults per 2000 – 3000 households
  • Design of a building or intervention, which acts as a catalyst to address the key issues
  • Illustrate how the proposed intervention becomes an integral component of the social fabric.

The context for each entry is set by selecting and documenting a neighborhood or district (urban, suburban or rural) with approximately 500 older persons per 2,000 to 3,000 households. Students are encouraged to collect general information on current neighborhood conditions and the specific needs of the elderly. Documentation of land use should include existing vehicular and pedestrian circulation, housing; cultural, educational and civic institution, commercial establishments, social services, outdoor public space and other uses of note to the community and to older persons. The analysis will allow the jury to understand the conditions to which the design solutions is responding.

Design Solution
Based upon their analysis of existing needs, problems and opportunities, each student should develop a design strategy that will integrate older adults, in various stages of aging, into a multi-generational, mixed use community. Please indicate location and type of new buildings, renovation of existing buildings and other improvements. Students might consider social, educational, physical and cultural activities of older persons, health care and satellite clinics, opportunities for productive work, circulation, gathering and use of outdoor space. Opportunities for interaction among age groups and engagement in the ongoing life of the community are key.

Each project should be presented on no more than four 24″ X 34″ or A1 boards. Horizontal organization of boards is strongly encouraged. Please include no less than 6 and no more than 10 ( digital slides preferred or 35 mm) of all boards and important details and a one-page statement in English, summarizing intentions, neighborhood strategy and key programmatic and architectural features. Note all notations on boards must be in English to facilitate understanding across language barriers.
Board One should present the analyze of the existing neighborhood. Suggested scale 1″-40’ or1:500).
Board Two and Three should describe the design solution with relevant plans, sections, elevations, suggested scale (1/8″ = 1’ or 1:100) and three-dimensional images of the project. Images may include perspectives, sketches or photographs of three-dimensional models.
Board Four should be used to further illustrate the design concept in vignettes, sketches, perspectives or detailed photographs of models. The purpose of this board is to convey the ideas to lay audiences; it should make the ideas come alive and make them imaginable.

Project Guidelines for Group Presentations:

  • The Jury 

    An international jury will be selected, consisting of well known architects/urban planners and United Nations representatives. 

  • Notification of Winners 

    Following the jury deliberations, winners will be notified. An acknowledgement will also be sent to their respective Institution. Other competition entrants will be notified of the results of the competition and are encourages to attend the UN Conference, free of charge.

  • Ownership of Entries and Publication RightsAll entries become the property of the International Council for Caring Communities. (ICCC). ICCC reserves the right to publish or use in any way, any or all entries with appropriate acknowledgement of the entrant. Unfortunately, ICCC is unable to mail the boards back to the entrant. Entrants wishing to have a record of their entry should do so before submission.
  • Identification of EntriesFor identification, each board must have a sealed envelope affixed to the back of each board, Each envelope must include an address label with student name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, student identification number, name of institution and address of institution. Behind board 1 also include a signed copy of the Affidavit of Originality, as well as the slides. Please do not put your name or any other identification anywhere on the front of your boards, and do not use your name anywhere in your project. Any breach of anonymity will result in disqualification.
  • Shipping RequirementsEntries may be delivered in person or may be sent by mail or carrier to the International Council for Caring Communities, 24 Central Park South, NY 10019, USA. Ship by mail, in sturdy wrapping, All Entries must be postmarked on or before December 31, 2004.



Name of Student:____________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone No_________________________ Fax No.:___________________________
E-mail Address:_________________________________________________
Enrolled in what Degree Program: ____Graduate _____Undergraduate Graduate
Name of Institution::_____________________________________________________________

Telephone No.______________________________Fax No._____________________
E-mail Address:.____________________________________
Faculty Advisor:______________________________________

Please send by December 31, 2004 to the International Council for Caring Communities, 24 Central Park South, NY 10019, USA. Fax: 212 759-5893 or register electronically

Affidavit of Originality
The undersigned Entrant swears that his/her entry, submitted to ICCC competition was designed and drawn solely by the entrant. The competitor also understands that if it is determined that he/she did not design and draw the entry without aid (excepting the advice of faculty members), the prize award shall be revoked and the entrant may be subject to further legal action.

Caring Communities for the 21st Century: Imagining the Possible

International Conference, Theme: Age of Connectivity: Harnessing the Generations held during the Commission for Social Development, United Nations Headquarters, NY. Free Conference but registration required for security clearance.

“Age of Connectivity: Harnessing the Generations”

“Public-Private Partnership” Luncheon
Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:00 – 2:30 pm
West Terrace Delegates Dining Room
United Nations Headquarters


Ms. Marta Mauras, Director, Office of the Deputy Secretary-General

Keynote Luncheon Speaker
Mr. Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United Nations Fund for International Partnerships

ICCC Caring Award Presentations

“Head of State Visionary”
Dr. Leonel Fernandez Reyna, Former President of Dominican Republic

“Corporation with Social Responsibility”
Tahitian Noni International, Award being accepted by Mr. Kelly Olsen, President

Improving lives of elderly with information technology focus of UN event

Benjamin Gilman

11 February 2004 The goal of enriching the quality of life of today’s ageing population through information and communications technology (ICT) would be impossible without meaningful public diplomacy, according to one of the keynote speakers at a meeting held today at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Former United States Congressman Benjamin Gilman told a press briefing that as part of his address, he had encouraged participants to develop a campaign for public diplomacy. In that connection, he recommended that communities form advisory councils, liaise with business and marketing experts, develop good messengers and work with the media.

He cautioned that without leadership fostered through public diplomacy, the best goals in the world would be "meaningless."

More than 100 delegates had gathered for the meeting on "Caring Communities for the 21st Century: Imagining the Possible – Age of Connectivity: Harnessing the Generations," organized by the International Council for Caring Communities in collaboration with several UN bodies, to look at how ICT can be used to deal with the economic, social and cultural challenges brought on by an ageing population worldwide.

Joining Mr. Gilman was Alexandre Sidorenko, the UN Focal Point on Ageing, who said the forum had focused on the goals set by two recent international meetings: the 2002 Second World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid, which had the goal of creating a society for all ages; and the 2003 World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva, which aimed to overcome the digital divide and build an all-inclusive information society.

The focus of today’s discussion, Mr. Sidorenko said, was how the goals of the two conferences could be achieved. One of the major tasks in achieving targets in the field of ageing and information and communications technology was to have workable public diplomacy.

One of the predominant themes had been the lack of political will, particularly in developing countries, to consider the needs and expectations of older persons, Mr. Sidorenko added. To redress this, he said he had stressed the need to mobilize civil society to persuade governments to look at the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.