Youth and Older Adults As City Changers: Connecting The Generations

5 December: Benefit Reception / Concert: “Youth and Older Adults As City Changers: Connecting The Generations,”United Nations Delegates Dining Room, UN Headquarters, New York…7-9:30PM. (Tickets and sponsorship available by contacting

Program: Welcome: Ms. YaminaDjacta, Director, UN-HABITAT, New York Office Master of Ceremonies: F.Murray Abraham (Academy Award winner, Amadeus)

  • Launching the Society for Agequake Student Designers (Leaders of the Future…a new opportunity for ICCC Competition Winners to give back to Society)
  • ICCC Caring Pioneer Awardees who have enhanced our worlds…to be announced
  • Musical Moments: Connecting the Generations

Diverse Group of talented performers representing a wide range of geographic origins, musical styles and ages… 15 to 70+!

Performers include: New York Eastern Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Fei Fang, members of the Children’s Orchestra Society led by Dr. Yeou-Cheng Ma and Mastro Michael Dadap, Chris Brubeck (son and performance partner of the late David Brubeck), film and theatre actor Keith David (to be accompanied by Musical Chair, Mark Barasch, bMedia, NY) Teenage Jazz Trio PERCEPTION, Soprano Melanie Goerlitz and Pianist/movie composer Edward Kallendar…plus additional surprises!